

アメリカ人新チューター「ケイラ」自己紹介/Self introduction of a new tutor, Kayla




Hello, my name is Kayla Vang and I am a tutor in the GSI office. I graduated with my Bachelor of Arts in Accounting from the College of Saint Benedict/Saint John’s University (CSB/SJU) in Minnesota, U.S.A., this past May. I am looking forward to working at BGU as a tutor and meeting all of the BGU students! I have studied Japanese in University, but have not used it a lot, so I am relearning it during my time in Japan. I was supposed to study abroad in Japan during my third and fourth year of college but Coronavirus happened, but that just makes me more excited and happier that I am here now! Not as a student but as a tutor to be able to meet and help the BGU students! When I was in college I worked in the Multicultural Student Services Center as the student manger, so I had a lot of interaction with international and domestic students from different backgrounds. I would help them settle on campus and help take them to shop for winter clothes and phone plans. Working in the Multicultural Student Services Center, I also help planned and organized events for international and domestic students to participant in, as well as events for the students that could not go home during Holidays. I am looking forward to meeting all the BGU students, so please stop by the GSI office and say “hi”!

こんにちは。GSIオフィスでチューターのKayla Vangです。今年の5月にアメリカのミネソタ州にあるセント・ベネディクト大学(CSB/SJU)で会計学の学士号を取得して卒業しました。BGUでチューターとして働き、BGUの学生の皆さんにお会いできることを楽しみにしています。大学では日本語を勉強していましたが、あまり使っていなかったので、日本にいる間に日本語を勉強し直しています。大学3年生と4年生の時に日本に留学する予定でしたが、コロナウイルスが発生したため、今こうして日本に来られていることに、より興奮と喜びを感じています。学生としてではなく、チューターとしてBGUの学生に会い、助けることができるのがうれしいです! 大学時代には多文化学生サービスセンターで学生担当として働いていたので、様々なバックグラウンドを持つ留学生や国内の学生と多く接してきました。留学生がキャンパスに慣れるように手伝ったり、冬服や電話プランの買い物に連れて行ったりしました。また、多文化学生サービスセンターでは、留学生や国内学生が参加できるイベントの企画・運営や、ホリデー中に帰国できない学生のためのイベントも手伝いました。BGUの学生の皆さんとお会いできるのを楽しみにしています!GSIオフィスにお立ち寄りいただき気軽に声を掛けて下さい。


Some of my hobbies include playing the guitar, playing soccer, volleyball, and badminton, traveling, and singing. I have been playing soccer and volleyball since I was in 4th grade and still play when I can. I write my own music, which is really fun! I have only started traveling, but I have been to London, United Kingdom and The Bahamas and now I am in Japan!


When I was a student, I was able to participant on the London study abroad program. During my time there I had the opportunity to interned at a credit union and be exposed to the different workstyle and lifestyle there. I would say that it was similar to the USA. Since, they also spoke English, but different because they were not as direct compare to Americans in expressions. My experience there help increase my global knowledge and network connection for the future.



At CSB/SJU, I have a lot of opportunities to meet and come across different students, staff, and faculty, such as being on the student senate, studying abroad, participated in clubs, and working the in multicultural center. Especially, being a student that was involved in the Japanese language courses, it led me to make friends from BGU and Japan. Through these opportunities, I created many friendships, connection, and skills from around the world. I am excited to work at BGU, which I will be able to connect with students on an individual level and in addition to learning from each other.



The advice I’d give to BGU students is to work hard in your studies but at the same time please do not forget to take time to relax and do something for yourself because your four years of college will go by fast. My four years of college went by before I knew it, so I do strongly encourage you to get good grades but at the same time I hope you take lots of pictures, hang out with friends, make new friends if possible, and challenge yourself! BGU students who are learning English, please meet with the foreign exchange students, and come to the chat lounge so we can have a good conversation in English! Let’s work hard to learn English! I am looking forward to meeting everyone!

BGUの学生へのアドバイスは、勉強を頑張ることと同時に、リラックスして自分のために何かをする時間も忘れないでほしいということです。私も大学4年間がいつの間にか過ぎていたので、良い成績を取ることを強く勧めますが、同時に写真をたくさん撮ったり、友達と遊んだり、できれば新しい友達を作って、自分に挑戦してほしいと思います。英語を勉強しているBGU生は、留学生と会って、チャットラウンジに来て、英語で楽しく会話してくださいね。頑張って英語を勉強しましょう みんなに会えるのを楽しみにしています
