
2016年 報告(2015年度プログラム)

2016年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告13-4


【2016年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告13-4】

■ Cabrillo College(アメリカ カリフォルニア州 サンタクルーズ) で、3/13〜3/28までの海外短期フィールドワークです。





These two students managed to say what they wanted to say and received roses from host brother. Margaret, their host mother, made a comment on how grateful they have been to host girls from Bunkyo for many years. Her family visited Japan last summer and met many students her family have hosted so far. Those students took her family to a lot of places in Tokyo including our university. Her son has been inspired by Japanese culture and started learning Japanese. He wants to go to Japan and stay for a while as an exchange student. I think this is a good example for reciprocal relationships where both parties can benefit.





At the beginning of their speech, they got so choked up with emotion. They tried to say that they could not thank the host parents enough for their kindness and support. Now in this photo they were smiling when they got Santa Cruz t-shirts. This family was new this year to host students, but everyone knows the host father, Sesario!  They took care of these students very well, so I had to even tell him not to spoil them. He said, “Too late!”




涙は伝染するようで、せっかくのスピーチも途切れ途切れになりがちです。ここの家の子どもたちは大人のこんな感情はわからず、飽きてきていて大人の笑いを誘います! 明日は、サンフランシスコへの日帰り旅行に連れて行ってくれるそうですね!

Emotion and tears are contagious!  Children in this family made tearful students laugh because the children looked so bored with sad looking adults!  They would be having a day trip to San Francisco tomorrow.




この家族は祖父母も一緒に来てくれました。短いスピーチが気に入ったと褒められていましたよ! 豆腐ハンバーグ、だし巻き卵、ほうれん草の胡麻和えを作って、どれもとってもおいしかったと言われたそうですが、一番うれしかったのは自分たちが日本食を食べられたことだったようです!

Grandma and Grandpa in this family also came to the ceremony. Wauhillau, the host mother, really liked a short message these students gave them. They cooked Japanese dishes for them; tofu hamburger, Japanese omelet, spinach with sesame dressing, and rice and miso-soup. The family all liked these dishes, but the cooks were the ones who liked the most!





This student said he was not talkative and had a hard time expressing his feelings. You may not understand what it is like to be surrounded by all of the girls who are very talkative (rather too noisy!) in Japanese. He usually sits behind them, being quiet all the time. But as his host father commented on him, he was observant and independent. He can go to school and back home by bike. Bike riding seemed to make him independent and healthy!