
2016年 報告(2015年度プログラム)

2016年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告02-1


【2016年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告02-1】

■ Cabrillo College(アメリカ カリフォルニア州 サンタクルーズ) で、3/13〜3/28までの海外短期フィールドワークです。





All the students seemed to get up early enough to come to our first meeting on time.  They had their first experiences such as taking a bus, riding a bike, and waiting patiently for a delayed bus, but they all made it!  A good job!  Ken and Jinsu each organized his or her orientation session for the students who were asked about how their first day went.  The students also had a chance to think about what they can do to show their own strength and learned how they could express it in English to make their family happy.  Now they are not as shy as they used to be because they had to know exactly what to say this and that in English.  Without knowing them, it could mean life or death for some cases.  This is exactly called “Survival English!” which I have taught them but they don’t remember!  (As a teacher, I sadly should say that most of what is taught in classroom settings is forgotten!)





After the morning orientation, Cabrillo executive officers including President and Dean, teachers, and staff all came together to give us a warm welcoming ceremony.  Seeing Bunkyo students on campus is a highlight of the spring, they said.  We all hope that students learn a great deal interacting with others informally, sharing what they are learning with others and vice versa.  So both Bunkyo and Cabrillo students can help each other.





After a thank-you speech from the teacher, Miho gave a short talk on behalf of all the students to express how grateful she is to the people who helped make the program happen and successful. Her hard practice paid off!




学生会の会長が来てくれて、学生たちにCabrillo Collegeのロゴ入りのバックパックを配ってくれました。中身はペンやカップ、リップクリーム、ウェットティッシュ、サングラスなどなどこまごまとしたもので、充実ぶりは去年以上です!

The representative from the Students’ Union came and gave us goody bags containing a pen, a cup, lip balm, antibacterial hand wipes, sunglasses, and many more!  We really appreciate it!





It’s time for Pizza Lunch!  Cabrillo students taking Japanese I and II joined us for Pizza.  The students both looked shy at first but gradually mingled together, talking in mixed languages and of course taking a lot of photos!  It was not easy for them to communicate with each other but writing, body language, and smiling really helped.