
2015年 報告(2014年度プログラム)

2015年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告13-1


【2015年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告13-1】

■ Cabrillo College(アメリカ カリフォルニア州 サンタクルーズ) で、3/15〜3/31までの海外短期フィールドワークです。




今日は午後4時までフリータイムでしたが、学生たちはカフェテリアに午後から集まっていました。修了式に家族へ渡すプレゼント作りに余念がありません。教員も呼ばれて、もっぱら英文添削係をさせられました! いつものことですが、こういう物作りに凝る学生が多いですね!

The closing ceremony was scheduled for 4:00PM today. So the students were free until then. But I was asked to be at Cafeteria around 1:00PM because they wanted me to proofread their messages in English to their families. As usual, they spent so much time creating memorable cards that stand out from others.




On behalf of all the students, Akiyo expressed a few words of appreciation, following the farewell address from their teacher. She said that she has learned so many things here; people communicate in different ways, no matter what language they speak and where they live. The important thing is being who we are (and voicing if we are feeling disconnected). All the host families have tried hard to develop a loving, accepting, and respectful relationship for the students.




その後、修了書の授与が行われました。Anna, Jean, Michelle, Isabel が、16人に修了書を渡してくれ、祝福の握手をしてくれました。その後、このように一人ずつ写真撮影がありました。みんなを代表して最初の学生だけ見てもらいます。

This student came on stage when her name was called and received her Certificate of Completion issued by Cabrillo College. Cabrillo teachers and officials shook her hand and all smiled, it was at this moment her picture was taken!  We did the same for 15 more students!  They all looked so happy!





Then Sesario (ex- Dean of Student Services) gave us a talk about individualism and later on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for self-actualization. His talk started with some Japanese he knows, “Motto mizu wo kudasai” (Give me some more water). He learned the phrase when he traveled to Japan about 40 years ago. It was July so extremely hot and humid there. He had to know it as “survival Japanese”!





First, he gave a tangerine to each student and told them to observe her/his tangerine well as if each of them were one of their children in the classroom. They looked alike but the students tried to observe and examine details in order to find some uniqueness of each tangerine.