
2019 Bunkyo/Cabrillo ECE Internship Program

2019 Bunkyo / Cabrillo ECE Internship Program Website #13

2019 July 3 (Wed)
Mimi and Spencer had circle time activities called “Let’s play in English” at the kindergarten this afternoon, assisted by some Bunkyo students.  They had about an hour for a rehearsal with the students before the performance.

This was the first group of 3-year-olds and their mothers Mimi was in charge of.  She welcomed children to the group by name in song like “Make your circle, make your circle…”

Then she read a book of “Black cat and White cat.”  Black cat and white cat are friends.  But in a world of black and white, someone is always hard to see!  Can they find a way to play together without someone disappearing?  They found  colorful plastic ribbons!

Spencer had a group of 5-year-olds and their mothers,  He started class with a warm-up activities such as a name game to get a group having fun.  It went like this:  Hicklety picklety bumblebee  Who can say their name for me?  xxx! (loudly)  xxx (whispered)
2つ目のセッションは5歳児が中心のグループで、スペンサーが担当しました。彼も最初は、みんなで名前を大きい声で言ったり、囁くように言ったりする歌で始まりました。「ヒコティ ピコティ バンブルビー 誰が名前を言えるかな。大きな声で、そして囁くように...」。

At the end of this session, Spencer read a book about snow.  He asked the children what thoughts they would have when seeing snow for the first time.
最後に、スペンサーも絵本の読み聞かせをしてくれました。雪についての本でした。初めて雪を見た動物たちはどんな感じかな? みんなお話に聞き入っていました。